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Uber 合法辣㷫的士業?澳洲政府每人賠 3 萬澳幣

File illustration picture showing the logo of car-sharing service app Uber on a smartphone next to the picture of an official German taxi sign in Frankfurt, September 15, 2014. A Frankfurt court earlier this month instituted a temporary injunction against Uber from offering car-sharing services across Germany. San Francisco-based Uber, which allows users to summon taxi-like services on their smartphones, offers two main services, Uber, its classic low-cost, limousine pick-up service, and Uberpop, a newer ride-sharing service, which connects private drivers to passengers - an established practice in Germany that nonetheless operates in a legal grey area of rules governing commercial transportation. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach/Files (GERMANY - Tags: BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT CRIME LAW TRANSPORT)

Uber 以方便及相對較低廉的 Call 車方式風行全球,為各國的士業帶來嚴峻挑戰,甚至引起大型遊行及法庭訴訟。近日南澳政府正式頒布法例,容許 Uber 及其他共享汽車服務在境內合法營運,政府更向每名的士司機發放澳幣 30,000 元(折合約港幣 178,155)補貼安撫民心,但仍惹來的士業界不滿,認為競爭不公平。
南澳政府宣布由 7 月 1 日起,Uber 及其他共享汽車服務可在境內合法營運;的士車費亦會增加,周末晚上的關稅亦會增加 20%。當局會在未來五年停止簽發新的的士牌照,Uber 司機亦不可以到機場載客。新政策的另一亮點,是所有的士及共享汽車車程均要徵收額外澳幣 1 元的稅,稅收轉向發放予 1,137 名的士司機,每人可獲澳幣 30,000 元補貼;所有的士牌照持有人每星期獲澳幣 50 元,全期共 11 個月。
但的士業界對安排仍不滿意,最大的士車隊「13CABS」的總經理 Chris Cudsi 表示,Uber 等共享汽車服務的監管較少,打擊本土的士業務,並利用可疑的稅務為國際公司提供利益,政策不公平。

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